In a previous thread (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-08/msg00673.html), a Chopin Nocturne was discussed that has polymetrics starting on the second page of the score. I have looked at the .ly file (attached) and have a minimal understanding of the "\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8)" command. Where in the manual can I find a detailed explanation - especially the role of the two numbers? My particular goal is to write one 9/4 measure against three 3/4 measures. Thank you. Mark
\version "2.16.2" \pointAndClickOff #(ly:set-option 'midi-extension "mid") \paper { top-margin = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1.5\cm left-margin = 1.5\cm right-margin = 1.5\cm } \header { title = "NOCTURNE" subsubtitle = \markup \center-column \normal-text { "Fassung nach dem Autograph" "Komponiert Frühjahr 1830" } opus = "KK IVa Nr.16" } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Timing_translator" \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Timing_translator" \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } \context { \Dynamics \consists "Timing_translator" \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } } RH = \relative c' { \clef treble \key cis \minor \time 2/2 << { <e gis cis>4 b'8\rest <gis b(>8 <fis a>4 b8\rest <e, gis>8 | <e fisis>4 gis } \\ { s4. cis,4. s8 cis~ | cis4 <bis dis> } >> r2 | << { <e gis cis>4 b'8\rest <gis b(>8 <fis a>4 b8\rest <e, gis>8 | <e fisis>4 gis } \\ { s4. cis,4. s8 cis | cis4 <bis dis> } >> r2 | gis''2 fis\trill | gis cis, | cis' cis8.[ b16] \times 2/3 { cis8( b a) } | a2 r | gis dis | e fis4 cis | \grace e4 dis2.~\trill dis8 cis | dis2 r4 gis, | gis'2 fis2*1/2\trill \stemUp \teeny e8*1/2 fis gis a \normalsize \stemNeutral | gis2 cis,4 cis'-. | \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" cis'8*2/3[ d b] a[ gis fis] eis16 d \ottava #0 cis16*2/3[ b a] gis[ fis eis] d[ cis b] | a1 | d,2 d'4. cis8 | bis4\trill bis8 b32( c cis dis e4 dis8) cis | gis r a2-> gis4 | cis,2 r | \pageBreak %%%% PAGE2 %%%% \time 3/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8) \scaleDurations 2/3 { e4 fis8[ gis a b] | cis4 d8[ cis] b4 | e4 d8[ cis b a] | cis4 d8[ cis] b4 | } \time 4/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) <d e> q8. q16 <cis e>4 <e cis'> | \acciaccatura <e cis'>8 <d b'>8. <cis a'>16 <d b'>8. <e cis'>16 <cis a'>2 | \time 3/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8) \scaleDurations 2/3 { cis,4 dis8[ eis fis gis] | a4 b8[ a8] gis4 | cis4 b8[ a gis cis,] | a'4 b8[ a] fis4 | } \time 4/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) <fis gis> q8. q16 <e gis>4 <gis e'> | \acciaccatura <gis e'>8 <fis dis'>8. <e cis'>16 <fis dis'>8. <gis e'>16 <e cis'>2 | cis'4\trill bis8 cis e4. dis8 | \time 3/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8) \scaleDurations 2/3 { dis,8[ cis'] cis4 cis | bis dis2 | \times 2/3 { gis,8 ais gis } fisis4 eis | eis2 dis4 | dis8. dis'16 eis,4 fisis | gis8\noBeam gis'( bis,4. cis8) | dis2.~ | dis4 r r | \change Staff="lh" \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8) \stemUp r4 dis,,8*2/3 fisis bis ais4 | r8*2/3^( dis, gis) bis4. gis8 | r4 dis8*2/3 fisis dis' cis4 | r8*2/3^( dis, gis) bis4. gis8 | s4 dis8*2/3 fisis bis ais4 | r8*2/3 dis, gis bis4. gis8 | r4 dis8*2/3 fisis bis ais4 | r8*2/3 dis, gis bis4. gis8 | r4 dis8*2/3 fisis bis ais4 | } \time 4/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) gis,,8*2/3^( dis''[ bis'] gis) bis \change Staff="rh" \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) dis8*2/3 \stemNeutral bis' gis bis dis gis bis | gis'2.\fermata gis,,4( | \pageBreak %%%% PAGE 3 %%%% gis'2)^\markup "a tempo primo" fis4\trill e16 fis gis a | gis2( cis,4) cis' | \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" cis'8*2/3 d b a gis fis eis16[ d] \ottava #0 cis16*2/3[ b a] gis[ fis eis] d[ cis b] | a2 a' | gis dis | e2*7/8\trill \stemUp \teeny dis8*1/4 e \stemNeutral \normalsize fis4 cis | dis8*2/3 [ e dis cisis dis e] \times 4/5 { fis16( gis a ais b) } \times 4/5 { bis( cis cisis dis fis) } | e2 dis4 cis( | bis) a( gis) dis | e fis8 gis fis4 cis | \grace { cis8[ dis] } dis1*15/16\trill \teeny \stemUp cis8*1/2 | \normalsize \stemNeutral cis2 \set fontSize=#-4 \times 8/18 { dis16[( e fis gis a b cis dis cis b a gis fis e\! dis cis b a]) } | \set fontSize=#0 gis2 \set fontSize=#-4 \times 8/35 { a16[ b cis dis e fis gis \once \override Stem #'minimum-X-extent = #'(0 . 0.6) a \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" b cis dis e fis gis a b cis dis cis b a gis fis e dis cis b a \ottava #0 gis fis e dis cis b a] } | \set fontSize=#0 gis2 \set fontSize=#-4 \times 4/11 { a8[( b cis dis e fis e dis cis b a]) | } \set fontSize=#0 gis2 \set fontSize=#-4 \times 4/13 { a8[( b cis dis e fis gis fis e dis-. cis-. b-. a-.]) | } \set fontSize=#0 gis1~ | gis | gis4. cis8 eis[ gis cis eis] | \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" cis'1\fermata | \bar "|." } LH = \relative c { \clef bass \key cis \minor \time 2/2 \relative c { cis4 r8 cis8 fis4 r8 cis8 | a4 gis r2 | cis4 r8 cis8 fis4 r8 cis8 | a4 gis r2 | cis8 gis' e' cis cis, a' dis cis | cis, gis' e' cis cis, gis' e' cis | cis, gis' eis' cis cis, gis' eis' cis | fis, a fis' cis fis, a fis' cis | bis, gis' fis' dis bis, gis' fis' dis | cis, gis' e' cis a, dis cis' fis, | gis, dis' cis' dis, gis, dis' bis' ais | gis, dis' bis' gis gis, dis' bis' gis | << { s8 gis4 s8 s8 fis4 s8 | s8 gis4 s8 s8 gis4 s8 } \\ { cis,8 gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | cis, gis' e' cis cis, gis' e' cis } >> cis, gis' eis' b cis, gis' eis' b | fis a fis' cis a fis a cis, | fis, d' a' fis fis, d' a' fis | fis, dis' a' fis fisis, e' cis' a | gis, e' cis' gis gis, dis' bis' fis | cis( gis' e dis cis e cis b) | %%%% PAGE 2 %%%% a8 e' cis' a a, e' d' gis, | a,( e' cis' a) a,( e' d' gis,) | a, e' e' gis, a, e' e' a, | a,( e' e' gis,) a, e' cis' a | fis, cis' a' fis fis, cis' b' eis, | fis, cis' b' eis, fis, cis' b' fis | gis, dis' bis' gis cis, e cis' gis | gis, dis' bis'gis cis, e cis' gis | a, dis cis' fisis, gis, dis' bis' gis | a, dis dis' fisis, gis, dis' bis' gis | cisis, eis b' gis dis gis bis ais | \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 1/2 dis,[ ais' cis dis] | \time 3/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 8) \scaleDurations 2/3 { \times 2/3 { gis,,8 dis' gis } bis4. gis8 | a,4 dis8*2/3 fisis dis' cis4 | gis,8*2/3 dis' gis bis4. gis8 | \stemDown dis,4 d2\rest | gis8 r d2\rest | a'4 s2 | gis8 g\rest s2 | dis4 s2 | gis8 g\rest s2 | dis4 s2 | gis8 s d2\rest | dis4 d2\rest | } \time 4/4 \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) s4 r4 r2 | R1 | %%%% PAGE 3 %%%% cis'8 gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | cis, gis' e' cis cis, gis' e' cis | cis, gis' eis' cis cis, gis' eis' cis | fis,, cis' a' fis fis, cis' a' fis | bis, fis' dis' gis, bis, fis' dis' gis, | cis, e cis' gis a, dis cis' fis, | gis, dis' cis' fis, gis, dis' bis' fis | fisis, e' cis' ais fisis, dis' cis' ais | gis, dis' bis' fis bis, fis' dis' gis, | cis, e cis' gis a, dis cis' fis, | gis, dis' cis' fis, gis, dis' bis' fis | cis gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | << { s8 gis4 s8 } \\ { cis,8 gis' e' cis } >> << { s8 fis,4 s8 } \\ { cis8 fis dis' cis } >> | cis, gis' e' cis << { s8 fis,4 s8 } \\ { cis8 fis dis' cis } >> | cis, gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | cis, gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | cis, gis' e' cis cis, fis dis' cis | cis, gis' eis' cis gis eis cis gis | cis,1\fermata | \bar "|." } } dynRall = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line (#:normal-text #:italic "rall."))) dynamics = { \time 2/2 s2.\pp s8 s8\< | s4 s2.\! | s2. s8 s8\< | s16 s8.\! s2. | s1*10 | s1-\markup { \italic "con forza" } | s1 | s1 | s2 s2\f | s1 | s1 | %%%PAGE2 s1\pp | s1*10 | \time 1/2 s2 | \time 3/4 \scaleDurations 2/3 { r2.*12 } \time 4/4 s2 s2-\markup { \italic "morendo" } | s1 | %%%%PAGE3%%%% s1 | s1 | s1\ff | s1*8 | s4. s8\p s16 s8\> s8 s16\! s8| s2 \times 8/35 { s16*2 s16*13\pp\<^\markup { \italic "velociss." } s16*9\! s16*10\> s16\! | } s2 \times 4/11 { s8*4\< s8\! s8 s8*4\> s8\! } s2 \times 4/13 { s8*3\< s8\! s8 s8*3\dynRall s8*4\> s8\! } \override DynamicTextSpanner #'style = #'none s4.\dim s8\pp s2 | s1\dim | s4.\! s8\dynRall s4 s4\pp | s1 | } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff="rh" \RH \new Dynamics \dynamics \new Staff="lh" \LH >> \layout {} } \include "articulate.ly" \score { \articulate << \new PianoStaff << \new Staff="rh" \RH \new Dynamics \dynamics \new Staff="lh" \LH >> >> \midi {} }
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