Hi John,
you may be interested in reading this:
Have fun
Am 08.07.2013 10:07, schrieb Urs Liska:
Am 08.07.2013 01:32, schrieb John Kliewe:
This looks almost right. It's from Chopin Nocturne Op9 no 3 :
\version "2.16.0"
\relative c'
{ \clef treble
\time 6/8
\key b \major
ais'4 gis8 << {\hideNotes gis'4.~\>\(
gis16 fis eis dis cisis dis\! e eis\) gisis,\( ais \times 2/3
%%\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
{\unHideNotes b16\accent[ s ais]}
\hideNotes \stemDown s4. fis4\) fis16 eis} \\ {gis'4.
gis16 fis eis dis cisis dis e eis gisis, ais \times 2/3 {b16 eis, ais}
\unHideNotes \stemUp gis4.\accent fis4}>>
The slur starting on the g# is much too high. I can see why this is
by un-hiding the upper voice notes. But is there a way to bring that
slur line down?
In general: As you have already noticed \hideNotes actually makes the
notes white, so they aren't visible but fully take part in the layout
process. In cases similar to yours you would have to make the NoteHead
transparent and
set the stencil of any other relevant objects to ##f which means the
corresponding object isn't printed at all.
I wrote a shorthand for hiding a helper voice used for cross voice ties:
hideVoiceForTie = {
\once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\once \override Stem #'stencil = ##f
\once \override Dots #'stencil = ##f
\once \override Beam #'stencil = ##f
\once \override Flag #'stencil = ##f
\once \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
which can be used for that purpose. The last command suppresses the
warning you can get.
I also wonder if my approach is correct at all.
Actually I don't think so.
Does it make sense to treat those two bar-up sixteenth notes as a
separate voice?
That's correct, you need a temporary polyphonic construct. But you
shouldn't duplicate the whole phrase, there is no reason for that
(besides, that's what causes your other problem in the first place).
Just write the phrase as one and only enter polyphonic mode for the
Also, I don't want to see the "3" both over and under the triplet.
But look at what happens if I use the \override that appears in the
comment. It removes the number "3" but also miscalculates the notes
within the triplet.
This is because you wrote the override _inside_ the \times { }. Place
it before \times and it's alright.
\version "2.16.0"
\relative c'{
\clef treble
\time 6/8
\key b \major
ais'4 gis8 gis'4.~\>\( |
gis16 fis eis dis cisis dis\! e eis\) gisis,\( ais
\once \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
\times 2/3 {
b16\accent[ s ais]
\times 2/3 {
b16 eis, ais
gis4. fis4\) fis16 eis
Will give you what you need. Of course you still have to shape the
phrasing slur quite strongly. Be sure to look up \shape for that.
--John K
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