This looks almost right.  It's from Chopin Nocturne Op9 no 3 :

\version "2.16.0"

\relative c'
{ \clef treble
  \time 6/8
  \key b \major
ais'4 gis8 << {\hideNotes gis'4.~\>\(
gis16 fis eis dis cisis dis\! e eis\) gisis,\( ais \times 2/3 
%%\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
{\unHideNotes b16\accent[ s ais]}
\hideNotes \stemDown s4. fis4\) fis16 eis} \\ {gis'4.
gis16 fis eis dis cisis dis e eis gisis, ais \times 2/3 {b16 eis, ais}
\unHideNotes \stemUp gis4.\accent fis4}>>

The slur starting on the g# is much too high.  I can see why this is by 
un-hiding the upper voice notes.  But is there a way to bring that slur line 
down?  I also wonder if my approach is correct at all.  Does it make sense to 
treat those two bar-up sixteenth notes as a separate voice?

Also, I don't want to see the "3" both over and under the triplet.  But look at 
what happens if I use the \override that appears in the comment.  It removes 
the number "3" but also miscalculates the notes within the triplet.

--John K
lilypond-user mailing list

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