Le 02/06/2013 20:18, Thomas Morley disait :
2013/6/2 Jean-Charles Malahieude <lily...@orange.fr>:

Only nitpicking, as you can notice, is that it is the right side of the
digits (9, 5 and 6) that get aligned on the center of the note and not the
"full box".

True, though regard the output of the following code:

You'll observe that the aligning in the _not_ affected measure 2 is
the same as in measure 4.

Perhaps a problem with figured Bass. Maybe a bug.

Something strange, for sure:
If you look at the "column" with the 12, it appears that the alignment is the same (by the right of a one digit figure and some padding for the double digit in order to "center" the 8 on the 12). Problem or bug? I wont cut it.

As a comparison with lyrics, just observe

\score {
    \new Staff = "staff" \relative c'' \repeat unfold 2 { c4 c c c R1 }

    \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "bla" \relative c'' { c1 c1 \break
         c1 \centerNoteColumnOn c1 }

    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" }
      \lyricsto "bla"\lyricmode { "|" -- "|" "|" -- "|" }

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bla"\lyricmode { "|" -- "|" "|" -- "|" }

    \new  FiguredBass \figuremode {
      \set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #RIGHT
      %\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #RIGHT
      <[12 _!] 8 [6  4]>1  <[_- 9\+] 5 [6+  4]>
      <[12 _!] 8 [6  4]>1  <[_- 9\+] 5 [6+  4]> }

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bla"\lyricmode { "4" -- "6" "6" -- "6" }
  \layout {
          \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)

Chords and frets are OK, figures would probably appreciate the same treatment as lyrics IMHO.


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