Le 31/05/2013 22:24, Jean-Charles Malahieude disait :
Le 31/05/2013 22:02, Thomas Morley disait :
I'll have a look on it tomorrow, since my eyes are quite tired now.
I wanted to mimic Breitkopf's original with the last bar (and the book
contains 80 scores).
Many, many thanks to David.
It works like a charm, and even introducing it through a "global"
variable does the trick, which is very useful with SATB chorals.
global = {
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #68
\key f \major
\time 4/4
\repeat volta 2 { \skip 1 * 4 \onceCenterNoteColumn #0 s1 }
\skip 1 * 2 \break
\skip 1 * 6
\centerNoteColumnOn s1 \bar "|."
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