Am 24.05.2013 23:17, schrieb Sarah k Alawami:
Ok. yeah I'm trying to create a lot less work for my self especially now
because if I get this job out of town I will be gone for 3 months and I want to
do this as a gift.
The variables and the systems idea will I think make it easier. why o why did
I not do this with the last assignment? lol! Ah well. I'm learning slowly and
this project I think will teach me a lot. lol!
thanks all. time to get cracking.
On May 24, 2013, at 12:11 PM, Wim van Dommelen <> wrote:
On 24 May 2013, at 03:21 , Sarah k Alawami wrote:
Actually I was thinking the variables for the piano since one of the sections
repeats a lot in the right hand. Will all of that still compile if I have the
files's variables like that or do I need to then create a veritable for the
foe itself?
Whatever makes it easier for you to write/read. You can have more variables in
one file or have a file (with all the variables in it) included in another
file, or have one variable used inside another one, for example
maybe one thought to memorize really thoroughly for this topic:
If you \include another file LilyPond will simply insert the content of
the included file at that place.
So if you have four variables in four files or one file doesn't make a
difference. The only thing that matters is the order in which you
include the files.
one = \relative c' { c4 d e c }
two = \relative c' { e4 f g2 }
three = \relative c' { g'8 a g f e4 c }
four = \relative c' { c4 g c2 }
piano = { \time 4/4 \one \one \two \two \three \three \four \four }
\new Staff <<
etc..... The important thing is to make easy understandable, but the big
advantage is to be able to do some of the parts, get these OK and build on it.
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