Keith OHara <k-ohara5a5a <at>> writes:

> I could not quickly figure out how to apply all the 'graceSettings
> to the normal voice, but there is probably a way to do so and maybe
> we should make a short command \graceSettings for that.
Some less-ugly version of 
graceSettings = \applyContext #
(lambda (context)
   (map (lambda (x) (ly:context-pushpop-property 
                       (cadr x)
                       (caddr x)
                       (cadddr x)))
        (ly:context-property context 'graceSettings ))

and then we still need the bit with  Flag #'stroke-style =#"grace"
when we want the stroke through the grace notes

> This same method is useful when we want to let grace notes overlap
> earlier notes in another voice.

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