Siska Ádám <sales <at>> writes: > I was > wondering how I would be able to put the grace note just on the beat. >
It is easiest to use normal notes and tell LilyPond that the durations shorter than normal, say 1/4 the written length, with c'16*1/4 and that the following note gets only a fraction of its full time. << \new Staff \new Voice{ \new Voice {\teeny \override Flag #'stroke-style = #"grace" \override Stem #'no-stem-extend = ##t \override Stem #'length-fraction = #0.7 c'16*1/4\noBeam d' } g'1*31/32 } \new Staff {b1} >> The difficult thing was finding the \overrides to give the smaller the style of grace notes. I copied the more-important ones from a LilyPond startup file 'music-functions.scm' I could not quickly figure out how to apply all the 'graceSettings to the normal voice, but there is probably a way to do so and maybe we should make a short command \graceSettings for that. This same method is useful when we want to let grace notes overlap earlier notes in another voice. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list