> Hey thanks for pointing those out. I'm still having failed bar checks where 
> there is a pick up note in to the measure, but the check fail happens at the 
> end of the repeat where that measure is incomplete anyway. Here is the 
> attached almost corrupted ly file.

Attachment: final score.ly
Description: Binary data

I'm still having issues with the grace notes though.  I don't know what's up 
there. Any help, please?

Thanks and be blessed.
On May 12, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

> On May 12, 2013, at 6:45 PM, Sarah k Alawami wrote:
>> Ok. can someone please go over the score and correct what I missed? I think 
>> I missed some braces and misplaced some accent marks but please let me know 
>> if the notes are in the proper ranges of the instruments as I'm still 1, 
>> learning them and 2, learning lily pond. I still could not get the bass drum 
>> and snare and symbol in lile the teacher wanted as I was unsure how to add 
>> those and I"m working on a misstranscribed copy in braille so some notes 
>> might be wrong, but I'll let my professor know
>> Also how will I get all of this to fit on 8.5 by 14 inch legal paper? what 
>> do I need to modify in the paper block to get this to print out correctly 
>> tomorrow? Attached is the ly file. You guys have been so so helpful and I'm 
>> just trying to fight my way through to the end of this project. lol!
> There are multiple LilyPond problems as identified in the error log.
> The first attempt at compiling failed due to a note spelled as G4 instead of 
> g4 at line 397.  If that is fixed, it will compile but badly.  You should be 
> able to catch that one easily, since the error log gives you the line number. 
>  There are many barcheck failures meaning you've got some errors in time 
> values- bars that don't add up to 12/8.  The barchecks should also give you 
> information about where the problem is, but I never use them because my 
> charts are simple lead sheets with a melody and chordnames, so it's easy to 
> troubleshoot those problems.  
> You've got a \partial that is not at the beginning of the piece; indeed, 
> you've got two \partials, one before the \volta and one afterwards.  It is 
> the latter that LilyPond is probably complaining about, because \partial 
> should only be used before the first bar.  
> Things like \accent, \grace etc. should not have a space between them and the 
> note.  It's c4\accent and not c4 \accent.  I've never used \grace notes in a 
> chart, so I don't know but I would guess that if the \grace is detached from 
> the note, then it would be counted differently and might result in some of 
> your barcheck problems.  BTW, \accent goes *after* the accented note without 
> a separating space, it is not clear looking at your .ly file to which note 
> the \accent marks refer.
> I think there are problems with \repeat percent 1 and \repeat percent 2 but I 
> don't know the correct usage of those; I use \repeat volta in my charts but 
> otherwise just write out short passages that are repeated.  Relying on the 
> musician's memory creates a higher risk of performance errors.  
> There are also multiple musical problems.  
> The ranges of several/most instruments are obviously incorrect.  For example, 
> in the first measure, the bassoon is 7 ledger lines below the staff- and 
> playing two notes at once.  I don't know the range of the bassoon but I doubt 
> it is that many octaves below middle C.  I think the bassoon is normally 
> written in bass clef and you've got it in treble clef.  At the end, the cello 
> notes are 16 ledger lines above the staff and the bass is 18 ledger lines 
> above, which neither instrument could possibly play and no one could sight 
> read in performance.  There are other range problems in other places, but 
> you'll never see those until you can get it to compile by fixing that G4.
> You've got the violin and viola playing four note chords.  Can they even 
> physically do that? 
> It looks like you've got multiple instruments playing in the wrong keys (if 
> the concert instruments are playing in G (one sharp), the Bb clarinet, 
> trumpet, etc. should be notated in their transposed keys (A or three sharps 
> in this case).  "Horn in F" appears reasonably transposed from G major to C 
> major.  As for naming instruments by specific transposition, it is more usual 
> to call a "Clarinet in Bb" a "Bb Clarinet" to avoid confusion (it looks like 
> you are saying the clarinet should be playing in Bb even though the key 
> signature is G major); I also think that the convention is that a clarinet is 
> a Bb transposing instrument unless otherwise stated (e.g., Eb clarinet).  As 
> for "Trumpet in C," trumpet is a Bb transposing instrument and I have never 
> seen a non-transposing trumpet (i.e., C trumpet), although they could exist 
> and I could just be ignorant...  I have not played orchestral music since 
> playing cello in the 4th grade- almost 45 years ago).
> One pretty easy thing, though.  You can set paper size in the \paper block 
> with #(set-paper-size "size") but I don't know what sizes LilyPond allows 
> other than "letter" (8 1/2 x 11") or A4 (which is the default).  I am sure 
> that's in the manual under the information for the \paper block.  On the 
> assumption that LilyPond knows about US letter and legal sizes, it should 
> look something like this:
> \paper {
>       #(set-paper-size "legal")
>       indent = 3.0\cm  % space for instrumentName
>       short-indent = 1.5\cm  % space for shortInstrumentName
> }
> If that doesn't work, check the manual for information about setting paper 
> sizes.
> I've attached the compiled PDF so you can see it, in case it won't compile 
> for you (and it shouldn't as LilyPond is picky about note names being in 
> lower case and that G4 should choke it).
> Good luck!  You're in the home stretch now.  This is the mop-up part of the 
> process.
> Tim
> <final score.pdf>

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