Ok. can someone please go over the score and correct what I missed? I think I 
missed some braces and misplaced some accent marks but please let me know if 
the notes are in the proper ranges of the instruments as I'm still 1, learning 
them and 2, learning lily pond. I still could not get the bass drum and snare 
and symbol in lile the teacher wanted as I was unsure how to add those and I"m 
working on a misstranscribed copy in braille so some notes might be wrong, but 
I'll let my professor know

Also how will I get all of this to fit on 8.5 by 14 inch legal paper? what do I 
need to modify in the paper block to get this to print out correctly tomorrow? 
Attached is the ly file. You guys have been so so helpful and I'm just trying 
to fight my way through to the end of this project. lol!

Take care all and be blessed.

Attachment: final score.ly
Description: Binary data

I hoep I can learn enough to help out one day and give sage advice. lol! 

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