On Apr 29, 2013, at 10:17 AM, "Francisco Vila" 
<paconet....@gmail.com<mailto:paconet....@gmail.com>> wrote:

El 29/04/2013 14:03, "Daniel Rosen" 
<drose...@gmail.com<mailto:drose...@gmail.com>> escribió:

That which would solve a problem for pianists and composers, not so much for 
singers, would pose a new big problem for sax, clarinet  etc. instrumentalists 
who had to learn how to play (read for) every size again from scratch. As long 
as they have scores especially prepared for them, their lifes are now happier 
as they are.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org<http://www.paconet.org> , 

Of course. Like I said, I realize it's not going anywhere for precisely that 
reason. The most important part of my original comment was the start: "If I had 
my way..." So, in other words, if you like things the way they are, all you 
need to do is make sure that I never become the Supreme Overlord of the World. 
(I have no aspirations at all toward that office, so preventing me from 
attaining it should be easy enough for you. :P)


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