"Christopher R. Maden" <cr...@maden.org> schrieb:
>I am comfortable with LilyPond, but not quite an expert.
>I am an expert in XML and XSLT, and it sounds like it would be of
>benefit to LilyPond to have better support for MusicXML (though I don’t
>use it myself).
>Can someone please summarize (or point me to a summary of) the current
>state of MusicXML support, what needs to be done, and the
>infrastructure? E.g., is a standalone XSLT conversion acceptable, or
>should MusicXML import/export be integrated into the core LilyPond
I can't profoundly answer this, but as not all that is needed is also contained
in the music stream a simple xslt conversion doesn't seem enough.
Maybe it's possible to write a separate apllication (script) that calls
lilypond to capture the music stream _and_ parses the input file itself to
gather more information.
If there is any chance to get this further I'd actively look for a way to put
real work into it.
If there would be potential for progress or even success in a Python/XSLT
combination I'd be in.
My programming expertise just isn't sufficient to start anything on my own.
So it would actually be good if someone with more knowledge could give some
hints on where this could/should start.
>Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
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