On 23 avr. 2013, at 21:21, Christopher R. Maden <cr...@maden.org> wrote:

> I am comfortable with LilyPond, but not quite an expert.
> I am an expert in XML and XSLT, and it sounds like it would be of
> benefit to LilyPond to have better support for MusicXML (though I don’t
> use it myself).
> Can someone please summarize (or point me to a summary of) the current
> state of MusicXML support, what needs to be done, and the
> infrastructure?  E.g., is a standalone XSLT conversion acceptable, or
> should MusicXML import/export be integrated into the core LilyPond code?
> ~Chris

There is currently a python script called musicxml2ly that will convert 
musicxml to ly fairly reliably.

For the other direction, the only possibility at this time is to convert an 
outputted MIDI file to MusicXML.

For me, it would be maybe 2 weeks of work to exhaustively convert what we call 
the "music stream" to MusicXML.  This could be faster or slower depending on 
how familiar one is with Scheme, LilyPond and XML.  The "music stream" is the 
internal representation of the music in Scheme that gets passed to what we call 
"engravers" (Stem_engraver, Clef_engraver, etc.) from which graphical objects 
are made and then eventually split over systems if necessary.  To get more 
precise information about layout into the MusicXML would be difficult, as there 
is not a one-to-one correspondence between events in the music stream and 
musical objects created.


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