On 05/04/2013 14:12, "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

>Thank you very much for your swift reply. I think your example B is
>similar in output to my example B' - it would be great to get a tie
>underneath instead of a slur\phrasing slur, so that the whole effect is
>more like that of example A. I suppose it's not vital, but Lilypond has
>always proved so flexible in the past, that it seemed likely that there
>would be a way to get exactly what was wanted. Is it inevitable that
>Lilypond will tie both notes if they are the same in the same note column,
>unless one specifies otherwise? And how might one do that!?
>How about:
>\version "2.16.2"
>\relative c'
>\time 3/4
>\slurDashed \slurUp
>< d\harmonic g,~ >2. ( < d\harmonic g, >2. )
>Phil Holmes

Hi Phil; yes, this seems to work more than satisfactorily.

The splendour of simplicity - thank you so much!


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