2013/4/5 Alex Voice <alvo...@btinternet.com>:
> Hi Lilypond Experts,
> In a piece of music I am currently engraving, the composer requests a
> combination of dashed slur on the harmonic but solid tie on the base note,
> and in the following it works perfectly in example A, but in B (where the
> harmonic remains on the note d) one gets an extra solid tie. I have tried
> various ways around this (see B' and B'') but neither are quite satisfactory
> – in B' the phrasing slur is no substitute for a tie, and in B'' the stems
> do not quite align convincingly.
> \version "2.16.2"
> \relative c'
> {
> \time 3/4
> \set doubleSlurs = ##f
> <<
> {  \slurDashed
> d2.\harmonic^\markup "A" ^( | c2.\harmonic) }
> { g2.~ | g2. }
> % --------------
> <<
> {  \slurDashed
> d'2.\harmonic^\markup "B" ^( | d2.\harmonic) }
> { g,2.~ | g2. }
> % --------------
> <<
> {  \slurDashed
> d'2.\harmonic^\markup "B'" ^( | d2.\harmonic ) }
> { g,2._\( | g2.\) }
> % --------------
> <<
> {  \slurDashed
> d'2.\harmonic^\markup "B''" ^( | d2.\harmonic) }
> \\
> {
> \stemUp
> g,2._~ | g2.
> }
> }
> Am I missing something really obvious here!? Is there any way of losing the
> superfluous tie in B?
> Many thanks for whatever advice or solutions you may suggest.
> Alex Voice
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does the code below what you want?

\version "2.16.2"

\new Voice
\relative c' {
\time 3/4
            d2.\harmonic^\markup "A" ^( |
            g2.~ | g2.
%       --------------
            d'2.\harmonic^\markup "B"^\(  |
    {       \slurSolid g,2.( | g2.) }


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