Am 02.03.2013 21:20, schrieb Sarah k Alawami:
Well I'm getting fewer errors lol! Here is the score attached

I got some errors but the pdf still produced. here is the log
  Processing `/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin'
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin error: syntax error, unexpected 
c c fis d |
You have } at the end of the third and fourth line of your music.
The first one of these should be removed.
See, you finish off the music expression with the curly brace (in the third line), but it shouldn't be finished as it is continued in the next line.

So LilyPond will assume you closed the group, and now it wonders why there is another closing curly brace (that doesn't match an opening curly brace).
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin error: errors found, ignoring 
music expression

<< { \voiceOne ees ees  ees8. d16 c4 |
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin warning: no \version statement 
found, please add

\version "2.16.2"

for future compatibility
fatal error: failed files: "/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin"
I see that I got a faidel error so what Id  I do wrong/ I counted to make sure 
there were no rhythm errors and tried to follow the manual to the best of my 
I think though I'm slowly getting the hang of this thanks to all of your help 
and the manual.

Tc all and be blessed.

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