Well I'm getting fewer errors lol! Here is the score attached 

Attachment: second violin part.ly
Description: Binary data

I got some errors but the pdf still produced. here is the log 
 Processing `/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly'
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:7:11: error: syntax error, unexpected 
c c fis d |
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:4:0: error: errors found, ignoring 
music expression

<< { \voiceOne ees ees  ees8. d16 c4 |
/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly:0: warning: no \version statement 
found, please add

\version "2.16.2"

for future compatibility
fatal error: failed files: "/Users/SA/Desktop/second violin part.ly"
I see that I got a faidel error so what Id  I do wrong/ I counted to make sure 
there were no rhythm errors and tried to follow the manual to the best of my 
I think though I'm slowly getting the hang of this thanks to all of your help 
and the manual.

Tc all and be blessed.
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