James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> writes:

> What I did to get to this point:
> 1. Cloned the repository. Checked out the tag release/2.16.2-1, and
> then "git checkout -b hjh2.16.2" (because I don't like staying
> somewhere earlier than the head of a branch for too long).
> 2. sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond
> 3. ./autogen.sh --noconfigure
> 4. mkdir build/ && cd build/
> 5. mkdir ../myinstall
> 6. ../configure --prefix=$HOME/share/lilypond/myinstall

You are missing "make" here, and while I have not checked, I'd be
somewhat surprised if the --prefix option worked reliably: I don't think
people test it much.

> 7. make install

First make, then make install.

David Kastrup

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