On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:47 PM, James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried to download this:
> http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/linux-64/lilypond-2.16.2-1.linux-64.sh
> But download.linuxaudio.org is almost totally unresponsive. After a
> few minutes of watching the estimated time remaining climb from 18
> hours to *4 days*, I gave up.

Eh, never mind, I'll just compile it from source. Savannah is sending
me the git repository at about 140 KB/s.

But, if linux downloads are broken, that's something that ought to be fixed.

It may potentially make a difference that I'm in mainland China.
(Sometimes, sites that seem not to be at all politically contentious
end up being inaccessible here anyway: opencv, for instance.) But I
also tried through a VPN, and the response was no better. So I don't
think the Great Firewall is to blame for this problem.


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