Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> writes:

> Il 02/02/2013 20:42, Javier Ruiz-Alma ha scritto:
>> Well, a "no-midi" compile option was my better hope, but another
>> option to improve my situation
>> would be if one could set the file prefix name of midi file within
>> the midi block of each score:
>> \midi{
>>      \set Midi.FilePrefix = "lesson2"
>> }
>> This way, when I compile the individual lesson2.ily, I get lesson2.midi, and
>> when compiling book.ly, the .midi's from each separate score are
>> named with unique stated prefixes,
>> instead of the generic book.mid, book-1.mid, book-2.mid.
> Each score can't be a book, as it's included in a book.
> So you can't use boookOutputSuffix or bookOutputName:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.17/Documentation/notation/output-file-names#index-_005cbookOutputName
> You probably want to ask for the same feature for bookpart, i.e.
> bookpartOutputName and bookpartOutputSuffix

The feature already works.  If you specify \bookOutputName inside of a
bookpart, that takes preference over the \bookOutputName in the book
without disturbing the book's own idea of the output name.

David Kastrup

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