Il 02/02/2013 20:42, Javier Ruiz-Alma ha scritto:
Il 02/02/2013 09:25, Javier Ruiz-Alma ha scritto:

    I have a main .ly file for a book and individual .ily files for each lesson.
    Each .ily file has \layout{} and \midi{} statements.

    I can batch-compile the .ily's, such that each midi is saved with the
    filename of the .ily file, suppressing the pdf output:

        lilypond-dno-print-pages lesson*.ily

    This produces midis lesson1.midi, lesson2.midi....etc.

    However, I can't find a similar command to suppress midi output when I
    compile the book:
      >lilypond -dno-midi

    When I compile the book, I get multiple book.midi, book-1.midi...etc,
    which are not needed.  Currently, I'm just deleting those .midi files

    Is there such a optional command to suppress midi output?

I don't think so.
I've asked the same question years ago:


I see. Well, a "no-midi" compile option was my better hope, but another option 
to improve my situation

would be if one could set the file prefix name of midi file within the midi 
block of each score:


        \set Midi.FilePrefix = "lesson2"


This way, when I compile the individual lesson2.ily, I get lesson2.midi, and

when compiling, the .midi's from each separate score are named with 
unique stated prefixes,

instead of the generic book.mid, book-1.mid, book-2.mid.

Javier, can you please write a feature request to


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