Hi there,

I've got a rogue tuplet bracket trying to span notes on the note side
instead of the beam side, and I'd like to specify that the tuplet bracket
should always be on the beam side. Internals tell me that I need to
set ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction
equal to -1, but I'm not sure what the syntax for that would look like.

Here's code to reproduce the situation:

\relative c'' {
staff.override.tuplet_bracket = ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction = -1
  \times 4/5{c8[( \f a' \times 2/3{c8 \grace {a32 [ c b \p ]} a8
\afterGrace c {a32 [ c b ]}}}
  \stopStaff \startStaff
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'( 18 16 14 12 10  4 2 0
-2 -4 )
  \override Stem  #'no-stem-extend = ##t
  \times 4/5{a' c a cis
  \stopStaff \startStaff
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'( 4 2 0 -2 -4 )
  \override Stem  #'no-stem-extend = ##f
  a,,} c
  \stopStaff \startStaff
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'( -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 )
  \override Stem  #'no-stem-extend = ##f
\time 3/8
   a,, c a c])

Jeff TreviƱo
PhD Candidate in Music Composition
@ the University of California, San Diego
Skype: jeffreytrevino
E-mail: jeffrey.trev...@gmail.com
Web: www.jeffreytrevino.com
Cell: (619)565-9611
9310H Redwood Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037
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