alignBelowContext does work.  You must be doing something wrong.  Do you have a 
tiny example of what you've been trying?

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Thomas 
  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 6:17 PM
  Subject: Re: How to insert an "auxiliary" staff for divisi strings?

  I have finally tried out the two additional suggestions. Somehow I couldn't 
make the one with alignBelowContext work: Lily didn't seem to care whether I 
put that in or not, the ossia staff would always end up at the bottom of the 
string staff group, below the double bass. Worse, when I put the Violin II in a 
StaffGroup, this stuff group would include the violas, cellos, and double 
basses below it as well but still put the ossia staff at the very bottom.

  On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Thomas <> wrote:

    I have finally tried out the two additional suggestions. Somehow I couldn't 
make the one with alignBelowContext work: Lily didn't seem to care whether I 
put that in or not, the ossia staff would always end up at the bottom of the 
string staff group, below the double bass. Worse, when I put the Violin II in a 
StaffGroup, this stuff group would include the violas, cellos, and double 
basses below it as well but still put the ossia staff at the very bottom.

    On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:18 AM, Mark Witmer <> wrote:

      Sorry, I forgot that crucial step. You can name a context when you
      create it:

      \new StaffGroup = "violinII" \with { ... } { ... }

      That's the value you can use for alignAboveContext and
      alignBeforeContext. Thus:

      \new Staff = "violinIdivisiB"
           \with { alignAboveContext = "violinII" } { ... }

      Here's more information about how to create and name contexts.

      And more information about context layout order:

      I hope that makes more sense!



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