On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Phil Holmes wrote:
> These are called ossia staves.  Please have a look in the documentation
for those and
> let us know if you need other help.

Thanks for the advice so far. I decided to look into the ossia staves,
which seemed to me to be similar to, but easier than, Mark's suggestion
(I'm not a very experienced user). It works partly, in that it does create
an additional temporary staff, but this staff is placed at the bottom of
the staff group, which contains all string parts; i.e., it appears below
the double bass staff. What I tried is this:

violinII = \relative c {

% lots of stuff on one staff

<< { \time 4/4 <g'' bes es>\mf r8 r16 es\f ( bes' es des4)~ des16 es,( bes'

\time 5/4 des4)~ des16\> es,( bes' es <f des>4)~ <f des>16 es,( bes' es <f
des>8\mp)\breathe \relative { <f as des>8\pp } }

\new Staff \with { alignBelowContext = violinIIPart }

{ \time 4/4 <g, bes es>8\mf <f as des> <g bes es> <f as des><g bes es> <f
as des><g bes es> <f as des>

\time 5/4 <g bes es>\> <f as des> <g bes es> <f as des> <g bes es> <f as
des><g bes es> <f as des> <g bes es>\p\breathe <f as des>\pp } >>

% as before, one staff

One crucial element is probably the "\with { alignBelowContext = ... }"
part, where I tried various things like #"main" or violin etc., but none of
them showed any effect. Even using alignAboveContext, as in the original
manual example, didn't change anything.
Further below is the usual stuff to place the Violin II:

violinIIPart = \new Staff \with {

instrumentName = "Violon II"

shortInstrumentName = "Vl. II"

midiInstrument = "violin"

} \violinII

% ...

\score {


% ...

\new StaffGroup <<








So basically the question is: how do I force the ossia staff between the
(principal) Violin II and the Viola, which is where want it to go?

----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Thomas <trg...@gmail.com>
> *To:* lilypond-user@gnu.org
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 22, 2013 3:13 PM
> *Subject:* How to insert an "auxiliary" staff for divisi strings?
>  Hi,
> I'm typesetting an orchestral score and need to insert an "auxiliary"
> staff for some strings in some places. The situation is this: in general,
> the 2nd violins occupy only one staff, even if they play divisi; however,
> in one instance (a passage of a few bars) the parts of each subgroup are
> too different to be put on one single staff, so it would be necessary to
> put them on two. Is there a possibility to insert such an auxiliary staff
> in some form in the score?
> I could of course define a "second" 2nd violin system as an independent
> "instrument" at the outset, but it seems that it would appear as such on
> the first page, where the entire range of instruments appears, even if I
> use
> \RemoveEmptyStaffContext in a \context of the \layout. I don't want that,
> but I don't see how to suppress individual staffs on the first page or
> achieve otherwise that this auxiliary staff really appears only in those
> few bars in which it is actually needed.
> Any ideas?
> Thomas
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