Hi David,

I really hope this ends up in Lilypond; you've clearly put a ton of work
into this. And it's even commented now! Brilliant.

It seems to be working just fine; I'll holler if there are troubles.


On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 10:23 AM, David Nalesnik

> Hi Jeff,
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Jeffrey Trevino <
> jeffrey.trevi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I just saw this fix. Thanks for spending so much time tweaking this.
>> Maybe there's a way it can be integrated into the Lilypond code, since
>> you've spent so much time developing it. I'll be using it in a score soon.
> I've actually been working at this off and on since I sent you that fix,
> and I've added some functionality.  You no longer need to guess at the
> length of the extender line: you specify its endpoint with the command
> \frameExtenderEnd.  Also, the extender (now a separate grob called
> "FrameExtender") can be broken across lines.
> There are still some issues to resolve.  One of these problems is that the
> new stencil isn't taken into account in vertical spacing, and this can
> result in overlaps in extreme cases.  (Try moving some of the groups into
> regions with many ledger lines.) I'm guessing that the difficulty arises
> because the frame isn't an outside-staff object, but I'm unsure how to
> proceed.
> There's some test code in the attached file.  Mike Solomon suggested that
> I handle alignment between the component parts (the frame, the extender,
> and ultimately a bracket-with-timing affair to encompass the frame and
> extender) with an alignment grob (as DynamicLineSpanner and the like).
>  This is one angle I'm exploring.  (At the moment, uncommenting the
> \consists line will just draw boxes around the whole affair.)
> Anyway, I hope this proves helpful.  Please let me know if you have any
> suggestions, or run into difficulties.
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