
That was exactly what I was hoping for - absolutely! Thank you so much, it
totally makes sense now.  More and more I keep seeing just how powerful
LilyPond can be - it's scary sometimes!

(but always in a good way lol)

Thanks again,

David Nalesnik-2 wrote
> Hi Ben,
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 8:46 PM, SoundsFromSound
> <

> soundsfromsound@

> > wrote:
>> I'm trying to wrap my head around the frameEngraver4 and can't quite
>> grasp
>> the syntax and how to customize the code to suit my needs.
>> Is there a guide or cheat-sheet that explains how to use frameEngraver to
>> it's fullest potential?  I feel like it's a bit over my head and I feel
>> lost
>> when trying to make sense of it.
>> Thanks for any feedback.
> Well, there's no guide or cheat-sheet, but I can give you a brief run
> through--which amounts to what you see in the example at the bottom.
> Basically,  you include the engraver as I do in the \layout block..
> Then, you surround the notes in your frame with \frameStart and
> \frameEnd.  You control the length of the line-with-arrow by
> overriding the property 'extender-length.  This line unfortunately
> won't cross a bar line unless you override the barline's X-extent to
> '(+inf.0 . -inf.0) -- i.e., so it has no X-extent at all.  (This is
> one of the issues I'll have to look into.)
> There's not much customization that's possible at the moment.  It
> would be relatively easy to add a property to control the height of
> the extender-line relative to the box (right now it's always
> centered), and I'll see about doing that.  I'll need to add a
> provision for controlling the width of the box.  The implementation
> here is pretty rudimentary--just designed to get something working.
> As I say, I'll need to look at some scores to see the kinds of
> customizations which are desirable.  If you have any ideas, please let
> me know.
> Most of what's in this file (anything above the example) might be
> tucked away into a file which you include to cut down on the mess.
> Hope this is helpful--
> David
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composer | sound designer
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