>> Actually, I would rather like to have a font which exactly clones the
>> old lyrics font.  But this is probably me only.
> This points to one problem I see with this approach: If one wanted
> to create something new (or rework something existing) there would
> be _much_ discussion to do.  And I don't know if this would lead to
> some agreement.  I recall the heated debate when Janek retouched the
> single glyph of the treble clef and don't dare to imagine the
> potential conflicts when it comes to a whole font.

Well, similar to the lilypond glyphs which are essentially based on
Bärenreiter shapes, we could take, say, the text glyph shapes of
Universal Edition from a certain range of years (e.g. stuff published
between WW I and WW II).

Cloning an existing font specimen which gets then polished by a
professional designer is the way to go IMHO.  Similar to the music
glyphs, those shapes have evolved over many years and have been used
for some generations.

> Basically everybody in this discussion has different needs and
> opinions.  What a new font would imply wouldn't be less than a new
> visual appearance for LilyPond (even if considered as an optional
> addition).

Everybody can continue the use of the URW fonts!  I see no conflict

> I'm afraid that's way over my head to engage in (at least
> currently).

Unfortunately, me too, but it is a good thing to have such a
discussion right now.  It's even worth a bug tracker issue...


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