Xavier Scheuer:
> On 31 December 2012 15:22, Karl Hammar <k...@aspodata.se> wrote:
> >  How do I merge Ds and Ms below so it will behave as if I wrote the
> > dynamics together with the notes?
> >
> > (snip)
> >
> > If I use << \Ms \\ \Ds >> the dynamics will come out to the left
> > (compared to the in the notes version), probably since the dynamics
> > are centered under the notes and a skip doesn't have a width (?).
> Hi,
> << \Ms \Ds >>  % without the "\\"
> will behave as if you wrote the dynamics together with the notes.

Same thing, the dynamics are centered under the left edge of the notes.

The attached example shows:

for \new Dynamics:
 the forte is squeesed between note and lyrics

for within the notes:
 p and f does not line up well

for << \Mb \Ds >>:
 the p and f are displaced to the left

for the markup version:
 s_\markup{ \dynamic f }\> becomes above each other

I think I like the \new Dynamics version best if I could get the same
space above and under the dynamics as for the within notes case.

Note, the hairpin ends in the same place.

> Which version are you using?
$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.17.10

Switched today from

$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.15.39

> There used to be an issue that made dynamics attached to spacer rests
> come out to the left (compared to attached directly to the notes),
> but it has been fixed in LilyPond version 2.15.24.
> https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1861

That example worked without a problem.

> Since current stable version is 2.16.1, you should not have
> encountered this issue, unless you are using a very old version.

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

Attachment: a.pdf
Description: a.pdf

\version "2.17.10"

Ls = \lyricmode { Kyr -- i -- e }
La = \lyricmode { Kyr -- i -- e }
Lt = \lyricmode { Kyr -- i -- e }
Lb = \lyricmode { Kyr -- i -- e }

Ds = {
  s4\p s\f\> s\! s
Ms = \context Voice = Vs \relative a' {
  a4 b c d^\markup{ "with \\new Dynamics" } |

Ma = \context Voice = Va \relative a' {
  a4\p b\f\> c\! d^\markup{ "within the notes" } |

Mt = \context Voice = Vt \relative a' {
  a4 b c d^\markup{ "as << \Mt \Ds >>" } |

Db = {
  s4_\markup{ \dynamic p } s_\markup{ \dynamic f}\> s\! s
Mb = \context Voice = Vb \relative a' {
  a4 b c d^\markup{ "with the forte as a markup" } |

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff  { \Ms }
      \new Dynamics = Ds \Ds
      \lyricsto Vs \context Lyrics = Ls    { \Ls }
      \new Staff  { \Ma }
      \lyricsto Va \context Lyrics = La    { \La }
      \new Staff  << \Mt \Ds >>
      \lyricsto Vt \context Lyrics = Lt    { \Lt }
      \new Staff  << \Mb \Db >>
      \lyricsto Vt \context Lyrics = Lb    { \Lb }
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