How do I merge Ds and Ms below so it will behave as if I wrote the
dynamics together with the notes?

smorz = \markup { \italic smorz }
sotto = \markup { \italic { sotto voce } }
Ds = {
  s1*10 | s1^\sotto | s4 s2.\f | s4 s2.^\smorz | s1\p | s1\pp | s1*2 |
  s2 s\pppp | s4 s8. s16\f\> s4 s8.\! s16 | s2 s\pp |
  % ...
Ms =  \context Voice = Vs \relative a' {
  R1*8 |
  R1*2 |
  e2\( fis | % 3 11
  gis8\) r gis4\( gis gis\) |
  a8 r a4\( d d\) |
  c2\( a\) |
  a2.\( gis4\) | % 4 15
  a8 r r4 r2 |
  % ...


If I use << \Ms \\ \Ds >> the dynamics will come out to the left
(compared to the in the notes version), probably since the dynamics
are centered under the notes and a skip doesn't have a width (?).

If I use \new Dynamics the dynamics will come out fine but the markups
comes out int the wrong line place (since it doesn't belong to the notes
staff any longer) and the dynamics comes too close to the lyrics
just below.

I could possible use \partcombine \Ms \Ds, whith

ignore = \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
Ds = \relative a' {
  s1*10 | s1^\sotto | s4 \once\ignore g\f s2 |
  % ...

but it seems a little too much dependend on the notes in Ms.


 I'm trying to set Gioachino Rossinis "petite messe solennelle" [1] and
I have got to the Kyrie, i.e. I've just started. I'm using the
Brandus & Dufur edition [2] (probable 1869 according to [3]).
 The definitive modern edition seems to be [4], the editor has some
notes at [5].


/Karl Hammar

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