On 22 December 2012 19:25, Alex Voice <alvo...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> Dear LilyPond experts,
> You've been great when I've asked for help in the past (and I think I am
> gradually finding my way around quite a large part of this fantastic
> program).
> I have been setting myself various tasks to see if I can use LilyPond to
> its utmost, but some bars of Godowsky (an arrangement of Chopin for piano
> left hand)
> [image inline below]
> are stretching me too far for now, even though I am certain that LilyPond
> can cope with them in some way.
> I've put a PDF of this section of the printed music on Dropbox
> (http://db.tt/TJmlsnCO) too and if anyone is able to explain how I might
> exactly reproduce the start of bar 3 (with all its grace notes and ties –
> aaargh) I should be very interested and very grateful! Someone will make it
> look really easy, I'm sure!
> I've had a modicum of success in tweaking the positions of various
> fingerings, though even here replicating the precise positioning of
> fingerings in bar 1 (particularly in the fourth semiquaver beat) has proved
> elusive for the moment.
> Many thanks to all who have made this such a delightful program to use
> (and those who continue to expand it). I look forward to hearing from anyone
> who has any advice.

Nice challenge!

I only did measure 3 (plus partial of measure 2).
It is far from perfect (appoggiatura subdivided beam is a bit tricky
but unfortunately the beam slope is not good), but it should give you an
idea how to (try to) do it.  Some fingerings need some tweaking,
I have done some but some still need work.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

Attachment: godowsky.ly
Description: Binary data

<<attachment: godowsky.preview.png>>

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