On 2012-12-22 19:25, Alex Voice wrote:
I have been setting myself various tasks to see if I can use LilyPond to its utmost, but some bars of Godowsky (an arrangement of Chopin for piano left hand) are stretching me too far for now, even though I am certain that LilyPond can cope with them in some way.
Wow, that's really quite a piece to typeset! I find it particularly hard to determine how many voices to use...
I've put a PDF of this section of the printed music on Dropbox (http://db.tt/TJmlsnCO) too and if anyone is able to explain how I might exactly reproduce the start of bar 3 (with all its grace notes and ties – aaargh) I should be very interested and very grateful! Someone will make it look really easy, I'm sure!
See the attached lilypond code, which should reproduce this.Are the first three sixteenth notes of that grace note meant to be a triplet? If so, all the grace commands need to be changed accordingly.
I've had a modicum of success in tweaking the positions of various fingerings, though even here replicating the precise positioning of fingerings in bar 1 (particularly in the fourth semiquaver beat) has proved elusive for the moment.
It seems like positioning fingerings (and preventing collisions for them) is not really one of the strength of lilypond...
I tried to fix some of the fingering positions, but not all of them. You should get an idea how to do it, though.
Cheers, Reinhold -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://www.kainhofer.com * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886 * Edition Kainhofer, Music Publisher, http://www.edition-kainhofer.com
\version "2.17.7" \language "deutsch" \paper { ragged-right=##f tagline = ##f } global = { \key des \major \time 4/8 \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \override Fingering.staff-padding = #'() } fup=\once\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up) fdo=\once\set fingeringOrientations = #'(down) fri=\once\set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) PianoRightI = \relative c' { \global \voiceOne es16[( \fdo <f-2>)-> f-1(^\> \fri <es-2>] des4^1)->\! | r16 des'8[->^\<-1 des16]-1 r des8[->-1 des16]-1 | \change Staff="LHS" \appoggiatura { ges,,,16[(^5 es'-2 b'-1 b-4 \change Staff="RHS" \once \stemDown des]^2 } b'8->-1)\! \noBeam es,8->^1 r \appoggiatura g8^1 f16[(-2 es])-1 | } PianoRightII = \relative c'' { \global \voiceTwo s16 \fup <as-1>8[ \fri <as-1>16] s4 | f16[-1\cresc-> ges-2-> es-3-> f]->-2 g[-1-> as->-2 f-2-> ges]-> | \change Staff="LHS" \stemDown \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \grace {s16\f es,8~ b'8^~ } \stemUp <b es,>16[ \change Staff="RHS" \voiceTwo des^2 b^3 des]-2 as[ des_2 as_5 des] } PianoLeftI = \relative c' { \global \clef "bass" \voiceOne <b ges>16^2^1[ c^5^4 <b ges>^5^3 c]^4^3 f,[ as f as] | ces[^2 des^4 ces des^4] b[^3 des^4 b^5 des^4] | s16 es,8->^5 es16]^5 r es8[->^5 es16]^5 } PianoLeftII = \relative c { \global \clef "bass" \voiceTwo as4_5 <f' d>8\sustainOn\noBeam <f as, des,>8 | des4_5 ges_5\sustainOn | \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \grace { ges,4~ s16 } ges4 as4\sustainOn | } PianoLeftIII = \relative c' { \global \clef "bass" \voiceTwo s16 as8[-> as16] s16 <as as,>8_4[^> <as as,>16_4] | s8 c8_5 s b | s2 | } \score{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "RHS" << \new Voice \PianoRightI \new Voice \PianoRightII >> \new Staff = "LHS" << \new Voice \PianoLeftI \new Voice \PianoLeftII \new Voice \PianoLeftIII >> >> }
<<attachment: godowsky.preview.png>>
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