shutterfreak wrote
> I don't know, all I wanted was to "fix" the baseline skips at start and
> end
> of line-wrapped text sections by adding this "construct" at start and end
> of each "text section". Probably this is not eh way to go.

I'm not sure this meets your needs:

-use \vspace #number
-set the baseline-skip before the \column(s) - if e.g. you want the /German
/column with a huge distance and the /English/ column to be narrower you can
re-define them:

here's a small example:

         \override #'(baseline-skip . 5.8) \columns {
           \override #'(baseline-skip . 11.8) \column { 
           \wordwrap { Wird ganz in der zweiten Position gespielt. } 
           \vspace #5 }
            \column { \wordwrap { \italic { Jouer entièrement à la 2°
position. } } }
           \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8) \column { \wordwrap { Play
entirely in the 2nd position 2nd position 2nd position 2nd position 2nd
position 2nd position. } }
        \line { \with-color #red { C Dur. {\italic Do majeur.} C major. } }


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