On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:09 PM, Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> shutterfreak wrote
> > 2. Why does a strut have a nonzero width? Can it be used and set to zero?
> > Maybe it has zero width, but because of some internal processing every
> > markup element automatically gets white space glued to it (this may
> > explain
> > my first question in part too).
> you can find the definition of strut in define-markup-commands.scm
> the description says: /Create a box of the same height as the space in the
> current font/

Thank you for this pointer!

So it is *not* the maximum vertical extent above / below the baseline for a
given font? I made a wrong assumption here - I'm remembering my LaTeX and
TeX days...

maybe using \null iso \strut is what you want!?

I don't know, all I wanted was to "fix" the baseline skips at start and end
of line-wrapped text sections by adding this "construct" at start and end
of each "text section". Probably this is not eh way to go.

btw - if you reduce your examples to really tiny examples demonstrating only
> one questionable item it's easier to find answers.

I didn't want to spam the list with too many parallel and related requests.
I'll try to follow your recommendation in the future.

Best regards,

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