> …how can you be so sure that the LilyPond output wrong?

I'm not at all sure it is wrong, but as Werner points out, there were 
non-German traditions that Lilypond does not address. Since this comes from one 
of those and I am trying to represent the score in a nicer format that is still 
"true" to the original in some fashion, I want to make the change indicated. 

> The original image does not represent
> quality engraving and cannot and should not be used as an example,
> IMNSHO.  There are too many problems with it to take it as a standard.

I agree that it is far from perfect. At the same time there have been a number 
of aspects where I have found it clearer for this piece than the Lilypond 
default. I would not hold it up as a model for other things. Ultimately much of 
this is a matter of taste. 

> Of course, your feeling that there is something wrovng with the LilyPond
> output could still hold, but we'd need more and esp. better examples.

I don't know that anything needs to change. I have my opinion and others have 
theirs. I would not presume to state that mine is the single correct one. 

> While you are free to change it in your own score, that's not even
> recommended as long as we don't know what it should look like.

"Should" conceals a lot of assumptions :-)

>> The chord looks MUCH better to me
> ..yes...
>> and which is closer to the old engraving
> ...yes..., but this engraving, though possibly old, is not nice, or
> does not look like any of the engravings we have been mimicking.

Again, I'm looking for something else then. That's ok I think. 

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