2012/12/15 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:
> Looks like the most recent version of the snippet is now appearing in the LSR:
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=861

Hi Paul,

I had a closer look at this snippet.
Attached you'll find my version of it.

- reads the stencil-dimensions of the NoteHeads to make it work with
- Avoids insane interval.
- reads the stencil-dimensions of the Stem to make it work with
custom-stencils, using the 'thickness-property as fall-back
- \displaceHeads is set #f, if the element of the offset-list has value 0.
- provides a function to select another parent for Script.
- provides a function to adjust the y-value of 'stem-attachment
- NoteHeads with larger durations are shifted correctly.
- several minor changes

For testing some custom-stencil-definitions are added. Use high zoom. :)

Would be nice, if you could have a look at it.

This is the 2.16.1-version. Downgrading it by adding some $-signs is quite easy.

BTW, 'stem-begin-position doesn't exist in 2.14.2, but overriding
'stem-attachment will work, if it is placed correctly.


Attachment: offset-note-heads-03.ly
Description: Binary data

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