2012/12/13 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:
> I found a good way to break it.  If you try it with whole notes the stem's 
> X-extent is (+inf.0 . -inf.0) and you get this error: "programming error: 
> Infinity or NaN encountered"

Likely, a check for
should be helpful.

> So I tried to work around this with the code below, but when I uploaded it to 
> the LSR something went wrong, no error messages or anything but the preview 
> page was just blank.[1]  I put the previous version back but it was still 
> blank, so I must have broken something.
> [1] http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=861

Today I can't see any problems. Sometimes the LSR seems to need a
little more time.

Can't do more this morning, my regular job is calling :(((


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