Hi Mark,

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek
<carsonm...@ca.rr.com> wrote:
> Mr. Kastrup:
> Following your suggestion, the code for "/rN.ly" was included in the coding
> of the piece for which I was doing the harmonic analysis.

I think you mean me, David Nalesnik.

> It work easily.
> And its inclusion brought up two additional questions. I wanted to query the
> contributor, "MS," yet the e-mail address was withheld.

That's Mike Solomon in another thread, who was passing along a snippet
from the LSR.  (In the near future, I'll be updating the LSR with the
new code you're now using.)  But I can certainly answer your questions

> 1. Since the symbols are connected, by Lyric mode, to the pitches in the
> bass, how can harmonies that change without a change in the bass be
> identified, e.g., another voice moves to create a "7th?"
> 2. Sometimes the bass moves yet the harmony does not, e.g., bass has a
> "passing" tone. How can a "blank" be put in under that pitch?
> Thank you for your kind attention.

Well, it's possible to give lyric syllables durations, so they aren't
tied to the note values in the line you're attaching the lyrics to.
This question came up in conjunction with analysis symbols in that
other thread, so I'll just point you to a relevant message.  My reply
to the earlier question also includes a link to the Notation Reference
about ways to align lyrics.


Hope this helps!


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