

The function for creating Roman numerals for harmonic analysis is given (at
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=710) as:


\markup \rN { .list of symbols.}.


Later it states "The analysis can be created in a Lyrics context." I assume
this means


\lyricsmode {.text.}.


Using the template in notation reference (2.1.2) I write this


leftTwo = \relative c' {

  %% here are the pitches%%


roman = \lyricmode { \markup \rN { .list of symbols .}


\score { %%following 3 lines supplied by Frescobaldi.%%

 \new PianoStaff  <<

    \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>

    \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }

%% This line is from me.%%

\new Lyrics \lyrics to ''leftTwo" {roman}


  \layout { }



Lilypond's error code is "unknown escaped string: '\rN'."


Where is my error?


Thank you for your kind attention.


Mark Stephen Mrotek

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