2012/11/22 MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>:
> Hi, Thomas,
> My apology attaching the wrong file.  Here is the right one.
> Anyway after checking  closely about R2.\fermata, I change it to
> r2.^\fermata and the error disappear - compile without error and warning
> message.
> Thank you.   Your time is not wasted - It did provide the help I need
> Blessing in+,
> Ming
> ________________________________
> From: Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com>
> To: MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>
> Cc: Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>; lilypond-usermailinglist
> <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:16:33 AM
> Subject: Re: UnquieContext3
> 2012/11/22 MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>:
>> Hi, Thomas & Phil:
>> I cut down the size of the .ly file - 157 lines.
>> I got the following error - now it complains "uniqueContext0"
>> I have both verseSopranoVoiceI  verseSopranoVoiceII coded; but the
>> \addlyric
>> complains not found.
>> Starting lilypond.exe 2.17.7 [he's-always-been-faithful_SATB_x.ly]...
>> Processing
>> `C:/Users/Tsang/Dropbox/Lyndon/LiLy/he's-always-been-faithful/he's-always-been-faithful_SATB_x.ly'
>> Parsing...
>> Interpreting music...
>> C:/Users/Tsang/Dropbox/Lyndon/LiLy/he's-always-been-faithful/he's-always-been-faithful_SATB_x.ly:120:11:
>> warning: cannot find Voice `uniqueContext0'
> Your log is about file `he's-always-been-faithful_SATB_x.ly´
> You attached `he's-always-been-faithful_x.ly´
> If the two files aren't identical it's no surprise that I can't
> confirm or reproduce anything.
> It's only a waste of my time.
> .Harm

The problem seems to be that you've added lyrics to a Voice containing
rests only.


\version "2.17.6"

        { r1 }
        \addlyrics { \skip1 }

The log returns:

warning: cannot find Voice `uniqueContext0'

                   { \skip1 }

Does it make sense to add lyrics to such a Voice?

Adding a single note to the Voice will make disappear the warning.


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