
I have hard time creating scale down of codes that produce the error.  Here is 
the full .ly file. It has 274 lines.

Blessing in+,

> From: Phil Holmes <>
>To: MING TSANG <>; lilypond-usermailinglist 
>Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 1:06:56 PM
>Subject: Re: UnquieContext3
>--- Original Message ----- From: MING TSANG
>To: lilypond-usermailinglist
>Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 5:57 PM
>Subject: UnquieContext3
>Hi, lily user:  sorry for my previous empty email - it is by accident.
>verseBassVoice = \lyricmode {
>He's always been faithful.
>bassVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
>instrumentName = "Bass"
>} { \clef bass \bassVoice }
>\addlyrics { \verseBassVoice }
>The above code produce an error. What is the 'uniqueContext3'? Where can I 
>find the error messages in the manual?
>Compiling the code you've sent gives:
>error: unknown escaped string: `\bassVoice'
>Not surprising: you've not supplied this.  Could you supply some code that 
>demonstrates the error you have?
>Phil Holmes 

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