On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 4:32 AM, Richard Rohrich <rwrohr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The following results in a crescendo to forte on dis1:
>  cis2. cis4 | dis1->\f | R1*2 | R1*2 \bar "|."

I don't quite see the decrescendo, but anyway, try this:
   cis2.\< cis4 | dis1->\f\> <>\p | R1*2 | R1*2 \bar "|."
or this:
   cis2.\< cis4 | dis1->\f\> s1*0\p | R1*2 | R1*2 \bar "|."
If you're wondering what <> is, here's the answer: it's just an empty
chord.  I think there should be some information about it somewhere in
the manuals and on the maling list (this one or developers' one).


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