Carlo Stemberger <carlo.stemberger <at>> writes:

> I'd find useful a syntax like this...
> \version "2.14.2"
> \relative c'' {
>    \time 3/4
>    e2\((\< d4)\!
>    c2.\fermata\)\>\! \bar "|."
> }
> By using \>\! on the last note, the hairpin should simply fill the measure.

Only on the last note?  or wherever a \! comes on on the same note as a \> ?
In music for an ensemble, a decrescendo often ends before a long rest
{ a2\< b2\!\> R1*23 \bar"||" key c\minor R1*24 ... }
Here the decrescendo should end at the end of the b

The current syntax lets us write an empty chord, on which we can end 
the decrescendo.  (But, if you do this with the option that draws 
hairpins beyond bar-lines, Lilypond will complain.)

\relative c'' {
  \time 3/4
  e2\((\< d4)\!
  c2.\fermata\)\> <>\! \bar "|."

The empty chord is useful whenever we want to place something in the music,
but it is inconvenient to type the input after the note.
<>^"violin" \cueDuring "violinImovementAdagio" R1*3

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