On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:15 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
> …
>  What you are witnessing on the user list is the
> emergence of "power users", a class of users narrowing the gap between
> users and core developers.  Yes, they juggle with complex material.  But
> that does not mean that things have actually become more complex, 
> .…

This. This is exactly why I read the lists far less and respond far less. I 
have no clue when it comes to scheme. Most of the responses involve functions 
or macros or whatever they're called, but generally, when something starts off 
with #(, I checkout mentally because whatever follows will take me at least a 
half an hour (if at all) to understand what I, in my less sophisticated 
understanding of lilypond would have done with \set or \override. In fact, I 
make very few changes to lilypond (one of its advantages), and when I see 
something like #(, I just search the documentation a little bit harder for the 
\set or \override that will most likely have the same effect. Heck, \tweak 
usually too advanced for me to understand.

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