Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

> Am 26.10.2012 00:52, schrieb David Kastrup:
>> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com> writes:
>>> With "2.16.0" you could use:
>>> \tweak Accidental #'font-size #-2
>> The way it looks, with 2.17.6 you will likely have to write
>> \tweak Accidental.font-size #-2
>> indeed, an incompatible syntax change.  convert-ly will cover it,
>> though.  2.17.6 will make a lot of #'xxx and #'(xxx yyy) unnecessary.
>> Very few commands, like the special tweak form, will have a non-upwards
>> compatible (though simpler) syntax change.  For most commands, the forms
>> are interchangeable.  Something like Score.Accidental, previously an
>> isolated LilyPond syntax element, now has a straightforward and direct
>> correspondence to Scheme data structures.
>> Being able to map LilyPond straightforward to Scheme and back also helps
>> with the inner consistency und understanding of the LilyPond language on
>> its own.
> that's very promising - I'm looking forward!

Well, the change is pushed into staging right now and I'll give
staging-patchy a kick (I don't expect problems as I have tested regtests
and documentation compiles extensively).  To make it usable for more
than experimentation, I have to follow up with documentation.

David Kastrup

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