> Assign the result to a variable xxx and use \xxx.

The assignment works, but then Lilypond 2.16.0 throws "error: unknown
escaped string `\xxx'" and finally fails, expecting '='.  I think it
may be having trouble figuring out what to do with the resulting
value, which is (currently) a score.  (I'm happy to change that if
something else will work better; I'm just trying to write a function
that takes individual part excerpts and lays them out in a complex but
stereotyped way.)

> Oh, and what should also work is writing
> $#{ \schemefunctioncall ... #}

This produces "error: syntax error, unexpected SCORE_IDENTIFIER <the
entire text of the function call, including the leading $ and trailing

(Additionally, is there a convenient way to find the width of some
grob that I could use to feed to the layout indent?  I'm not a Scheme
programmer and am having trouble wrapping my head around the uasge of
X-extent and ly:grob-extent.)

Christopher Smith

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