I am working on typesetting Anglican preces and responses, and since
the apparent best approach is to embed a score inside the
instrumentName for one of the parts (similar to the treatment of the
incipits in the scores at http://www.uma.es/victoria/partituras.html),
I would like to write a reusable function that takes the Voices for
the cantor's line and each part in the response and composes them into
the appropriate layout.

I'm running into an issue with the Lilypond API that I'm having
trouble understanding: How do I get the return value of a Scheme
function embedded into my output?

The attached snippet includes a function that takes the music blocks
and should return a score.  Lilypond will happily run it, but the
score doesn't get set onto the page.  I've confirmed that extracting
the Lilypond block and putting it where I had my \precesAndResponse
invocation produces the expected output.  Is there something explicit
that I need to do, either in the function or in the call, to have the
output printed?

Christopher Smith

Attachment: prtest.ly
Description: Binary data

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