2012/10/25 Keith OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net>:
> Seth <seth.vicknair <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> I'd like the F-sharp at the beginning of the second measure to be
>> printed with both a natural and a sharp sign in acknowledgement of
>> the F double-sharp in the previous measure. How could I go about
>> doing this?
> There are two changes from LilyPond defaults
> #(set-accidental-style 'modern) %cancel accidentals from the previous measure
> \set Staff.extraNatural = ##t   %print a natural when reducing a double-sharp

Hi Seth,

you could use Keith' suggestion (for 2.16.0 you could write
\accidentalStyle "modern" instead of
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)).


force the Accidental with "!" and use \tweak Accidental #'restore-first ##t

\version "2.16.0"

\relative c'' {
\key a \major
b fisis gis a % 1
\once \accidentalStyle "modern" %cancel accidentals from the previous measure
\once \set Staff.extraNatural = ##t   %print a natural when reducing a
fis a eis fis % 2

\relative c'' {
\key a \major
b fisis gis a % 1
\tweak Accidental #'restore-first ##t
fis! a eis fis % 2


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