Nick Payne-3 wrote
> On 26/09/12 18:05, Stefan Thomas wrote:
>> Dear community,
>> I have a problem with a sheme-function that does'nt work any more.
>> I get the error message:
>>     wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting character, found "D"
>>      \markup {   \slashed-char
>>                                #"D"     }
>> I need it a slashed letter, it is necessary for some symbols  used in
>> harmony classes in german music theory.
> ...
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in the brand new music glossary (2.17.3), section functional harmony, source
code in Documentation/music-glossary.tely you'll find the following markup
command definition:
#(define-markup-command (diagonal-stroke layout props arg)
  #:category font
  #:properties ((font-size 0) (thickness 1.5) (extension 0.07))
   ((thick (* (magstep font-size)
      (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness)))
    (underline-thick (* thickness thick))
    (markup (interpret-markup layout props arg))
    (x1 (car (ly:stencil-extent markup X)))
    (x2 (cdr (ly:stencil-extent markup X)))
    (y1 (car (ly:stencil-extent markup Y)))
    (y2 (cdr (ly:stencil-extent markup Y)))
    (dx (* extension (- x2 x1)))
    (dy (* extension (- y2 y1)))
    (line (make-line-stencil underline-thick
      (- x1 dx) (- y1 dy)
      (+ x2 dx) (+ y2 dy))))
   (ly:stencil-add markup line)))

followed by the usage example
  \markup { \concat { \diagonal-stroke D \super "7" } }


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