On 26/09/12 18:05, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> Dear community,
> I have a problem with a sheme-function that does'nt work any more.
> I get the error message:
>     wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting character, found "D"
>      \markup {   \slashed-char
>                                #"D"     }
> I need it a slashed letter, it is necessary for some symbols  used in
> harmony classes in german music theory.

Why not something like this. If the slash needs to be something other
than vertical, just vary the values for moveto and rlineto:

\version "2.16.0"

#(define slash "0.18 setlinewidth 0.8 1.53 moveto 0 -1.62 rlineto stroke")

slashD = \markup { \small { \concat { \postscript #slash "D" } } }

\relative c''{

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