... <snipped blocks of text> ...

On 13 Sep 2012, at 09:58 , David Kastrup wrote:

For Mac OS X: Work is being done to create a more complete installer. You probably already saw that; I just include it to get other commentors
up to date.
Yep, I decided not to spend very much time to get it working, but wait for this!

Emacs would also be reasonably easy to install (you install Emacs and
then the lilypond-mode), but for one thing, people tend to shy away from
Emacs, for another LilyPond-mode, while supporting point&click, is not
as elaborate an Emacs mode as AUCTeX is for LaTeX.
As an old-time vi adept (and still!) I think an easy 'just typing' editor is perfect for
LilyPond. Emacs would do also.

ap = #appoggiatura
Sure, you got me there, it was just a small example...

MS does not support music in any form.  And Scorio has MusicXML export
if I remember correctly.
True, MS doesn't support it, but listen to the fear of "regular" users, everything is linked to MShit. The fact that MS doesn't support music in any form is faced
with: Yeah, but is a standard Windows program.....

Now we just need OCR software to shave off 2 hours of typing and add
half an hour of proofreading.
Hmm, OK, nice project. Would also compete with a version Sibelius has
(PhotoScore Ultimate 7). Would complement our 'suite'.

I am also not convinced that using my Midi-augmented accordion in the
process could not speed up the typing significantly _if_ I had
appropriate programs tailored for speed note entry.
Actually I was a Notator/Creator user back in the 80's and 90's (I even had a separate Atari computer for that purpose) and with the quantization interface you could do that. Just play it on a keyboard with MIDI, keep a fixed steady-state speed and 95-98% was immediately correctly entered. It probably wasn't good
enough. Wonder what experiences are with the Sibelius AudioScore module.

David Kastrup
Keep up the good work!


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